He's a 10, but pees on my bed.
Hey all!
This is Winston. He's a heckin' good boy. He's 2 years old and fixed. He is as healthy as can be, we bring him to the vet once every 6th months which was just last week. I know, a bit excessive, but both his mother and I are hypochondriacs so that kind of got extended to this lil guy.
Anyways! This boy, for whatever reason, will pee in our bed sometimes. We don't know why, and are desperate find a solution. Initially when he first did this, we thought it was a result of him not liking his current litter box situation. However, after many instances of him peeing on our pillows and favorite blankets (pillows get thrown out, blankets get washed), we've realized that he's done this when his litterbox is freshly cleaned, mid use, or even "dirty". I use dirty in parenthesis because we never let it get that bad. We've been using the same litter, same cat box, and same location for 2 years. He still uses the litterbox on the daily, it's just every once in a while (about once a month) he is compelled to sneak into our room, pee on our bedding, then growl and zoom out of the room with a feeling of accomplishment.
Any easy solution would be to leave our bedroom door shut. However, our apartment is very small since we live in the northeast and rent is absurd for anything other than a 1 bedroom, so we like to leave that open for him so he can wander around that section of our apartment along with our closet which he really likes.
It's worth mentioning that he doesn't pee anywhere else in the apartment. Just his litter box, and our bed, we have plenty of other furniture that he could also pee on but he doesn't.
Any ideas are welcomed and if you have any questions that weren't answered above that you think might help, feel free to ask. Thank you!