To pretend that rape is a mysterious blessing from God

Read also:

To have a wholesome Labor Day ad targeted to horse owners.


to make gas masks less scary for children


Sex and the City had what was in my opinion the classiest approach to cancer with Samantha's storyline. What were the best ways you saw shows handle serious matters?


Who would be your picks for a live action SIMPSONS?

If there ever were a irl Simpsons movie, which actors would you like to play which parts?


Here is my actor tier list based on acting talent not movies, what are your biggest agreements/disagreements?


Who’s a celebrity that is/was heavily criticized that you still like?

Whatever the reason maybe personal life, lack of talent, questionable behavior… who is an celebrity that you still support artisically, aesthetically etc…even though public perception of said celeb is negative? For me, I wouldn’t say Eminem’s public image is all negative, but he definitely has been a problematic figure at times. That being said, his skill is undeniable and he’s given us some absolute classics. Anybody you still show up for even though you feel like maybe you shouldn’t?


What’s your favourite funny/unhinged/witty celebrity quote?


Who is your favorite underrated artist?, I’ll go first: Lennon Stella

I was OBSESSED, with this EP 6th-7th grade, had it on REPEAT


Cat peeing on blanket

My friend passed away a few months ago and I adopted her cat. So in the last six months, the kitty had her “mama” go into the hospital and pass away, moved into two relative’s homes (three in six months), I flew her across county, got her dental surgery, and she’s not getting along with my other three cats I acknowledge she has been through a lot. We’re a family of five (kids are teens and great with animals) plus two sweet dogs, and four sassy cats. Personality wise, she seems happy and relaxed - sleeps on us, finally comfy with our dogs, shows us her belly and purrs. She’s been with us for 7 weeks. She does not get along with the cats and there is daily hissing. But a few times now she has peed on one bathroom rug (which has long threads, like a shag). I started keeping that door closed and twice now she has peed on a blanket - once of the dog’s and once on a couch blanket. We have four cats and three litter boxes upstairs which I clean daily- sometimes skip a day but never more. Ideas?


Foster kitten food name

We started fostering kittens from shelter. and they gave us some dry food for them but we are almost out of it. Can you guys tell which brand and food this is? I don’t wanna switch too quickly since it might cause stomach troubles.
