Can You Give Me Directions To The Ocean?

Poor Wilbur.

Read also:

My island is like 89% done… ish!

I’m pretty proud of this, my 5th try at an island!


Need pathway recs!

I’m looking for recommendations for pathways. Please drop your favorite Creator MA# Pix of paths are appreciated. Also look who I got with my new Amebo pack! I’m a bit giddy over it.


Dream Island

Does anyone have time to check out my dream island and let me know what you think? I would appreciate it.


I’ve gotten obsessed with amiibo cards lately

Please ignore the dirty floor


Let me jump right on that.


They finally want to give me a quest after idk how long 😂😂😂

Fck that I’m going home I’m done for today 🙏🏽🫡


How long until I see the payout?

I did the 5 shop and pays, has anyone done one of these and how long did it take you to see the payout?


Now about 4k trips across all platforms 🥳🥳


I hate people 🙃

Did nothing wrong, handed to them, I just don’t understand why people think this is okay 🙃🙃🙃🙃


Is that ok ?

Customer price 6.22 - Paid to Uber 6.03. So I litteraly made 0.19c for delivery. I asked them if it was normal, they make a math formula like I’m Einstein.
