How to get this out? Potatoes went bad and the rotten potato juice soaked into the pine. We rent unfortunately

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Moonshine Jug (slightly gross)

Ok gang, got a question for you. My father passed away recently and we were cleaning out the barn and stumbled across a few old moonshine jugs. I grabbed one of them and wanted to use it for decorating purposes in my basement bar. Got it out into the sim and took a whiff - man smelled like something died in there. Sprayed some water in, and dumped it out. Sure enough, dead mouse. I have a cork for it, and so it doesn’t need to be perfect, but I’d love to get most of the smell out. It won’t be used for anything other than decoration, but I love the look of it. Any thoughts on cleaning/odor removal? Have it open right now with hot water and baking soda. Thanks all’


Stone bath mat that we set our raised dog bowl on. How do I get rid of the stains in the bottom right corner?

Not actually in the bathroom, but designed for one. I’ve only tried an all purpose cleaner so far and the orange discoloration and black spot improved, but it didn’t go away. Not sure what to try or what might ruin it.


How to either clean or remove this bath mat stuck in tub

This was in my bathtub when I moved in. It’s stuck to the ground of the tub and maintenance wouldn’t remove it when I put in a request. I’ve also used vinegar, bar keepers friend, and bleach toilet bowl cleaner. I’m not 100% what it’s made of but it’s harder than a normal bath mat


How to get faucet stopper to be black again?


Partner stained the counter with curry. Is there anyway to get this out completely?


How to clean this type of flooring? I swear I’ve tried so many products

Hello everyone! I live in a rented apartment and this flooring is what I would describe as a fake, stick-on “tile” flooring. It’s obviously not real tile lol and it’s meant to be cheap. But I’ve tried so many types of products and mop once a week and I swear this flooring attracts dirt like no other! I’ve never seen anything like it. Even when I mop or scrub HEAVILY, it still retains a thin layer of dirt. We also take off our shoes before we come in and that hasn’t helped with the amount of dirt that sticks to it. Any ideas as to a heavy duty floor cleaner product or chemical? And/or any affordable heavy duty mopping supplies? I appreciate your help!


What are these grey stains on the toilet seat and how can I get them off? Regular bathroom cleaner doesn't do anything to them.


Any tips for getting out this tinted lip balm stain from my couch?

Has anyone had success getting tinted lip balm out of couch fabric before?? The cleaning code for the fabric is WS so we tried using regular water and dish soap. It seemed like it was helping at first but now it looks like there is almost a water stain when you look at the couch from a distance. I considered using multipurpose oxiclean spray but the test patch came out looking darker so we scrapped that idea. Really frustrated and disappointed as we just got this coach a couple months ago . Would really appreciate any other ideas for tackling this stain! Thanks in advance.


Clean Cough Syrup Stain

Any tips on how to remove Cough syrup stain from carpet. Tried basic cleaning solution but the yellow stain isnt going away. Please help with tips


Mold on bathroom wall

Our master bath shower is in a small room inside of a small bathroom. We use the vent fan during showers and leave it on afterwards until humidity goes down. But these mold spots still show up. What is the safest way to clean this?
