Does the US not realize it would be the 2nd biggest country in the world if it just annexed Suriname? We would also have this cool diagonal thing going on and then we could make it like an x shape if we took iceland too oh and it would be like a pizza kind of deal if we took Canada and Mexico and if

Read also:

Bosnian and Nauruvian empires at their greatest extent, cerca 1279 AD 🇧🇦 🇳🇷


Why don't they build dikes and polders here so the islands can touch, it's in their blood(🇳🇱)?


Countries in darker red are extremely dangerous and may imprison American nationals. Authorities may be hostile. Do not carry even minor amounts of narcotics. Reconsider traveling. Matter of fact reconsider doing anything


proof that the black sea is actually blue


such a low pass rate is sad


Why Is This an Inaccuracy


Blundered my knight after greedily taking the free pawn 😔


Advanced checkmate puzzle

Can someone explain to me why this puzzle is an advanced checkmate puzzle under All I see is an outcome that is not checkmate and outs you out of a queen.


Can you solve this 1555 rated puzzle?


Just resign

If you’re going to abandon a match, don’t make your opponent wait 3 damn minutes. Just resign, please. I can only assume they had to leave, and didn’t quit. I might be low ranking, but I can see many ways out of this.
