My fiancé says over a week of this doesn’t count as a vacation because I’m not paying for it… WTF!

Exactly as the title says! I was very fortunate growing up in NH my grandparents always had this place in Maine….we have it to ourselves for the week. I myself am not super wealthy, I have my masters electrical licenses in metro NY. Which I did after moving to NYC and struggling bad. To the point (haha I can laugh now)… almost called my mom and told her I’m moving back home. Literally had my phone out to make the call, closed it and said f that I’m going to make it. Fast forward after getting a job as an electrician and years of crawling in dirty attics, crawlspaces and digging trenches I finally got my own license. So I meet my fiancé and of course things are going well enough to the point I propose but man shit like this…. I busted my ass to take this week and drove us up to southern Maine from NYC. Sorry it’s not the Caribbean? Sorry I had to let that out because…. I’m mildly infuriated.

Read also:

To make a Reddit post


Heil spez


Neural Implant induced pleasure sounds like a nightmare.


New fear unlocked


A strawberry conch taking a look at who picked him up


Do you not want to see the spider that made this!


I just want some beans, man.


Just moved into my new college dorm and realized the previous guy forgot to unsubscribe from those book games since 2022 (the dorm's been unoccupied for a year) so thanks whoever it was


First day in a new city and a municipal bus takes out my side mirror

I was in heavily traffic trying to turn into a different lane when a bus passed me way too close. I start university in this town in 4 days and my family is about 1000 miles away 🙃


I fell down a flight of stairs and got a permanent nerve injury to my lower leg.

I was going down the stairs and slipped on a dog toy. I hyper extended my knee and fell down backwards about 10 steps. I damaged the fibular nerves and gave myself lower leg paralysis. After 3 days in the hospital, hours of imaging, and seeing 5 specialist, they said the my condition is likely permanent. This sucks.
