
Hey— what does the “1 other” mean? Am I blocked? Did they block me? Thank you!

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Lost my phone for all of 10 minutes in Croatia, this isn’t my phone number and I haven’t changed it


MKBHD Weather app

Does anyone know what the weather widget MKBHD is using is?


Guys why is my screen grey and not with colors?


Siri is more than useless at this point.

A few years ago, Siri was great for asking random questions and simple tasks let setting alarms and reminders. Mine does absolutely nothing now. Here is an example of me asking a VERY simple question, Siri completely understood the question and provided an incorrect answer. This should be a huge focus for apple, the google assistant and its uncatchy name is worlds better than Siri could ever be. Even google assistant is becoming quickly outdated with chatGPT blowing up this year… I’m just hoping apple has something hidden to show us that they are implementing a chatGPT-like assistant and axing Siri. I’m on ios17 newest beta btw.


Not a terrible tattoo still need to cover it or remove it?

This is in middle upper back, what do you recommend?


Need a coverup

Let me know if this tattoo can be covered. There is some scaring on the lines around the hands of that makes a difference.


My first and only coverup, what do you think of it?

I got the original done 11 years ago when I was 18, didn’t really put any thought into it other than a basic idea. Wasn’t overly happy with how it turnt out! Decided to get it covered up yesterday, boy was it painful


Cover Up Ideas

Hey all, I got this tattoo about 7 years ago because I couldn’t wait long enough for my regular guy to hook me up. Now I lay in regret because it’s a decent sized piece. What do you all think could go in place of it? It’s the running joke of the family right now!


Masamune Tattoos - Newcastle UK


Got this when I was 18. Any suggestions on a coverup?
