Anton Yelchin, 1989-2016

This photo of Anton Yelchin was his last self portrait posted on his Instagram. Three days later on June 19th, 2016, the 27-year-old actor died in a freak car accident outside his home. Yelchin's Jeep rolled backwards down his driveway, trapping him against a brick mailbox pillar and security fence. The Jeep crushed his lungs, and he is believed to have died within a minute of impact.

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River Phoenix, 1970-1993

This the very last picture of River Phoenix, taken 2 days before his death. On the evening of October 30th, 1993, Phoenix was to perform with his close friend Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, at a Hollywood nightclub partly owned at the time by actor Johnny Depp. During the early morning hours of October 31st, 1993, Phoenix suffered a drug overdose, collapsed outside and convulsed for over five minutes. Toxicology studies showed high concentrations of morphine and cocaine in his blood, as well as other substances in smaller concentrations. The cause of death was listed as acute multiple drug intoxication.


Vladimir Lenin, 1870-1924

This is the last known photo of Vladimir Lenin, taken in May, 1923. He had suffered three strokes by this time and was completely mute. He passed away on January 21st, 1924 aged 53. The official cause of death was recorded as an 'incurable disease of the blood vessels,' and while there have been speculations that he had died of complications from syphilis, these rumours are unsubstantiated.


Mao Zedong

On May 27, 1976, the Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto visited Beijing and had a meeting with Chairman Mao Zedong. This turned out to be Mao’s last public appearance and the last known photo of him alive. During the meeting, Mao agreed to provide 50 kg of uranium to Pakistan, jump-starting its nuclear program. The photos from the meeting signaled the end of Mao’s public audiences. It was evident to everyone that his death was imminent. Mao had been a heavy smoker for most of his adult life. Because of this, it became a state secret that he suffered from multiple lung and heart ailments. He may have had Parkinson’s disease in addition to Lou Gehrig’s disease. Mao suffered three major heart attacks, which rendered him an invalid. He passed away nearly four days later, on September 9, 1976, at the age of 82


Last images of 32-year-old pilot, named locally as Luis Angel N, of San Pedro, Mexico. (Link in the comments)


Two repairmen hug, trapped atop a burning wind turbine, Netherlands, 29th October 2013.


Paul Wellstone only 6 days before his death in a plane crash


Better than watching Orange


Mimimi it's not that worse mimi it's fun.


Yea what is that


