this small apple

Read also:

I used to have a dog with one ear up and one ear down


This dead tree that looks like a dragon/demon


This combs) covered in cheese


This pack of playing cards from my parents’ house


Where is our server we've been here 20 minutes


Can someone reword "the guest is always right" in the same fashion?


I can’t add a pic to my post about the kinesiology tape so here it is drumcitysweetheart




This is my barn cat Catherine Katerina. (Cat-Kat for short.) Cat-Kat just gave birth to 5 kittens. She’s such a good (yet extremely exhausted) momma.

Just fyi, she had all the spots in the barn to chose from to give birth and she chose her litter box. Who was I to argue with a very pregnant cat?


Is this a well? And is is possible to restore?

Hi there! Just bought a piece of land and property in CT, my partner has been clearing some of the land for gardening and in search of whatever water source existed here (as there is a dry stream bed throughout the acres) He found this last week, it isn’t the well we get our water from but it does appear to be a private, hand dug well from what little we know. Is it possible to fix it and get water moving again? It appear to just be clogged with debris and the cutest family of frogs has taken up residence. Would love to have water moving through it again but we aren’t sure about if we should just clear it out?
