The Swiss clock my family owns (end of 19th century or beginning of 20th century). Made by legendary ‘Russian Swiss’ company Henry Moser & Cie., which was the official Supplier of the Imperial Court. [OC] [2156x2975]

It was made by the legendary ‘Russian Swiss’ company Henry Moser & Cie founded by Johann Heinrich Moser in Le Locle, Switzerland. In sending their products to Russia, the company found a very large and lucrative sales market, and so all production was focused on the Russian market. Although the founder, Henry Moser, died in 1875, the success of his company was not over. Taking advantage of the patronage of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, in 1913 Moser’s company became the official Supplier of the Imperial Court. A historical inscription appeared on the advertisements by the company that read: Suppler of Her Majesty Empress Alexandra Feodorovna”.

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A Fifth Century BC Etruscan terracotta kylix dish depicting a man relieving himself housed at the Vatican Museum. [2774x3708]


Cesar salad pizza, i know


What's your favorite pizza?


Why is this a thing?


Alright this asshole has gone too far now


When a clown makes food.

This is a clown who started a church and goes to the gym. This is his recovery fuel?


Ladies and gentlemen, the pinnacle of human stupidity.


Killing me with this.


Mountain Dew hot dog?


I actually really like this place, but WTF

So these are poutines (fries, cheese curds, gravy), but also with donair meat (doner kebab spiced beef), topped with either crushed Doritos or Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and sweet sauce (which is like condensed milk and garlic powder). The Dorito one swaps the gravy for cheese sauce.
