Tips for cleaning my oven hobs?

I’m in the uk for reference, I’ve tired scrubbing with the pink stuff and not had much luck Really want to get them back to their original glory days is possible!!

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Discolored shirts

Im going thru my closwt amd i have a bunch of shirts that have a discoloration around the necks, besides bleach anything i can use to get it back to normal?


How to clean Kleenex box packaging off of walnut desk?!

Hello friends, Somehow the packaging of this Kleenex box transferred over to this walnut desk and I'm unable to get it off. Tried disinfecting wipes and goo gone with a scrub and microfiber, no luck so far 😵‍💫 Thanks


How to clean a carhartt hat!

So my boyfriend wears this hat all the time, it has sweat stains on it and he also wore it in the pool. I’ve tried just soap and water but it’s not working, how do i get these stains out? Thanks in advance!!


How to keep buildup from water/ice dispenser?

I just scrubbed all the hard on buildup from this and would like to prevent it. My best idea is Vaseline?


How to clean chlorine stains off of painted metal and PVC

I’ve tried dish soap and warm water. I work at a very small water district and looking for ways to clean chlorine off of our filter vessels and pipes.?


Any tips for cleaning this polymerized oil?

Hello! I've run out of safe solutions for getting the funk off. Between my roommate and I, we've tried all the normal solutions, baking soda/vinegar, kitchen cleaners, lots of elbow grease, etc. We're renters so we are avoiding going full nuclear with heavy duty chemicals and very abrasive scrubbers in case of scratching the coating if that's a thing. No one in our families has a stove like this so we don't have the ancient lore passed down either. Any guidance would be wonderful before my roommate resorts to summoning a demon for help. Thanks!


How to clean old wax off the wall

I'm helping my friend clean up his house after his partner left. As a parting gift they threw a liquid candle at the wall. Now it's been about 6 months and my friend is finally pulling their life together. However I have no idea how to help him with cleaning this. Obviously the wall needs to be repainted but how do we clean the wall to prepare it for painting?


Roommate got drunk last night and wiped up spilled egg yolk with a hand towel. How would I clear up this stain?

I've already ran this through a washer and the stain is still there.


How do you clean brushed nickel door handles?

I’ve tried two different approaches to cleaning these types of handles. The first method is just rubbing alcohol. Isopropyl wipes that come in a disposable package. During covid, this was my preferred method as these handles see regular use throughout the day by everyone in my household. However, I’ve been getting worried that perhaps the alcohol is too harsh on the brushed metal. So my second method is dipping a paper towel in a dish soap + warm water mix, wringing it out until damp, then wiping the door handle. Less abrasive, but takes a few more minutes than just pulling out an alcohol wipe. For those that have these types of door latches, what is your preferred technique?


Please help!!! Stain on metal legs of table!

I was cleaning my table today when I noticed the legs had these strange stains on them. I’ve tried vinegar, soap, and hydrogen peroxide and nothing seems to work. It doesn’t feel like rust or anything, it’s just a part of the metal that was not there before. Does anyone know what this could be?
