Tiny Tiny Bugs... South City SF

I've tried to get our complex to come check these out, no idea what they are. Assuming they are some sort of nymph? They show up once a year for about 3-4 months. They can fit through our screens, which as you can imagine makes photographing them insanely difficult lol. Apologies in advance for the single slightly blurry photo. Anyone know what these are/what we can do to keep them away?

Read also:

Found this fuzzy dude! (I DIDNT TOUCH IT)

Who is he??? Southern NC


Cross Orb Weaver... pregnant?

Found this US quarter-sized (roughly 24mm) spider hanging out in a window of my house. I think it's a Cross Orb Weaver spider, but I was hoping someone can confirm! Also, is she pregnant? This is in southern Maine, USA, found in early September.


East Coast Florida


Who’s this bug? Ontario, CA


Several times per week when I open this sub... PSA: Please stop handling insects if you don't know what they are.


Found this little guy on the kitchen baseboard

He was really small. You could probably fit 5 of them on a penny.


What is this big guy?


Found in western NC

What is this beast trying to get in my house 💀


What is it? Found in Baltimore, Maryland; about 2cm long


I see boots but I don’t see a snoot? Am I dumb? Southern NY

Found in southern NY about an hour north of the city. I don’t think it’s what I think it is.
