That pizza hut constantly get away with wrong toppings

Sorry for the rant people but Not only did they get the toppings wrong, the only place I could actually find any sauce was around the edges. I took a couple of bites, but that’s the last of it I am eating. I think I’ll give it back to them tomorrow. It is so dry I can’t eat it, not to mention it doesn’t taste very good without my preferred toppings. Isn’t that the point of getting a pizza instead of McDonald’s?? I tried to call them and now they’re closed even though they did not have anything saying that they were closing early today. I do understand that it’s Labor Day but doesn’t it make sense for them to let people know that they are closing early? Nowhere did it say they would be closing at 7. I called the customer service number and all I got was “ somebody will get back to you”. Riiight! They have been getting away with this kind of crap for decades. I’m grumpy and upset because I broke my shoulder yesterday and I can’t cook rn , and I’m hungry. It was only five minutes after they delivered it that I tried to call. I usually try to check it to make sure it’s right but this time I have no use of one arm so I just grabbed it with my left hand and brought it inside.

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I just wanted to eat my yogurt


My Parents are forcing me to sign contract for 23-24 school year.

Hello, Before i get into this i’d like to introduce my side of the story. Before you speculate that i did anything awful to have my parents do this. I’m a incoming sophomore at my high school. My freshman year was fine. I’m not a stellar student but didn’t fail any classes (Gpa was 3. I think i was pretty average for a guy highschooler, took long bathroom breaks talked to my friends a lot, but other then that i was well liked by a lot of the teachers, I did have Asthma so i had to go to the health room sometimes when it became too bad. I never left school sick that year though. I was usually on time to my brothers car (was a little late here in there but only maybe 3-4 times) I did try go to sleep on time during the school year, was usually in bed by my curfew but sometimes ive found it hard to sleep and would fall asleep around 11-12 (curfew was 1 So all around i’d say i was pretty average, got most of my work done on time but i’d slip up here in there but it always got done. Today i was playing games with my friends, My father and mother walk into my room and says that we needed to talk, like any teenager i obviously assumed i was in trouble, which they replied i wasn’t Obviously i was skeptical but whatever. They sit down on my bed and pull out a piece of paper (Shown below) and said that they were giving me a contract to sign, in my opinion it sounded pretty stupid because they should be able to enforce their own rules without a contract. So i look at the terms and am pretty appalled to say the least, now what i was expected to do was fine that wasn’t what i had an issue with it was the punishments, shown below, if i were to get 1 missing assignment i’d go a week without my phone, which IMO is slightly harsh but okay, another screw up like being late to my brothers car, 1 month without a phone. If i went to the nurses office without a fever no phone for a month and no PS and if a were to screw up a 4th time my playstation would be gone forever and my phone would be gone for the remainder of the school year, now from stories i’ve gathered from my grandparents my parents were not stellar children either i’m not going to get into it but they both (my father especially) weren’t the best kids now i understand it more from my father because his father died around my age and honestly i think this is a little harsh so i tell them that it IS harsh and my parents say don’t screw up and you won’t have to worry about it (easier said then done) especially since i’m taking AP classes this year. understandably we got into an argument they told me that only i was getting this contract which again in my opinion i thought that was stupid considering my brothers were doing the same stuff i did my parents said they thought i had so much potential which i know i do but so do my brothers so i think it’s decently fair that they get a contract as well and my dad was super reluctant but my mom agreed with me and they did get contracts they left and I told my friends about it and they agreed with me it was pretty overboard am i being crazy or are my parents completely correct here? If this gets popular i will update y’all on what’s going on


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I love college


But it was double checked for accuracy


The amount of juice the kids left in the carton for me.

It was blueberry fruitopia, they left me exactly one sip.


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There must’ve been 5-10 kids screaming and crying the entire flight. What a trip lol.


The arm holes on my new dress are different sizes

Returnable but what the hell?!


When you randomly get the shakes while scooping coffee
