Now there's a Machiavellian countenance. Ooh! A sextet of ale

Read also:

I wish there’s was The actual Fireworks, Candy, and Puppy Dog Store! 🤣


How did Frank Grimes Jr find out about how his dad died?

In the episode where Frank Grimes Jr tries to kill Homer, he reveals he was born because his dad "liked hookers". If he was born to a hooker and never actually met his dad so his dad could tell him about Homer, then how did he know he killed himself after being driven to insanity by Homer's oafish incompetence?


"As for your case, don't you worry. I've argued in front of every judge in the state, often as a lawyer."


Hello, Moe. We know your the one behind it so knock it off or we're going to the cops!


Badger my ass! It's probably Milhouse


Here's a phone. Call someone who cares.


Well, I'm glad the rest of you remembered that summer vacation starts at the end of the day, not the beginning. S7E25


The Simpsons really nailed this monument spot on in the "Dancin' Homer," episode


My Mom was so cool to take me to this wall when I was a kid. She new I loved the Simpsons more than anything that's why she's my Marge!

I'm that blurry little guy in Lisa's hand wearing my Simpsons shirt (I can't tell which one it was I just know I wore one for that momentous occasion)


Mmm, I can't wait to eat that monkey.
