What's this spider I almost grabbed in my woodpile?

Location is the Olympia, Wa

Read also:

Eastern Missouri

On my mock lemon shrub Is this an empty husk? Doesn’t seem to be alive


What is this on my broccoli rabe? Found in Bay area, California, USA.

Several found and are suspects in eating my broccoli rabe plant


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what is this golden spider thingy? (Philippines)


Who this? Orange body, black back with a white X


what’s this bug outside my window?

Location is northwest Maryland. Pardon me for not attempting to go outside to get a better picture but this insect is about as big as the upper digit of my thumb! It seems pretty intent on trying to get into my house, repeatedly flying into the glass windows and crawling around the outer windowsill as if looking for a way to tunnel in. I actually just encountered another one of this kind about twenty minutes ago in my basement. It must have flown in when I opened the basement door to let my dog out. I saw it as it flew into the wall directly next to me and fell dazed to the floor, so I quickly stomped it, picked it up in a paper towel and trashed it. I thought that first one was a one-off but now that there’s at least one more thwacking itself against the windowpane I’m worried that they’re looking to form a nest or trying to get into my attic to overwinter or something. If this image isn’t good enough to make an ID then I can always try to dig the other one’s body out of the trash and take a photo of it but I kind of wish to avoid that. They’re as large as carpenter bees but I don’t believe they’re carpenter bees. Thank you in advance!


Found on the side of my trash can. It was almost metallic looking in the light.


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Help! Flea? Roach? Bug?

Found jumping between dishes in our kitchen sink (literally jumping, not crawling or flying). 1cm to 2cm max. Georgia, U.S.


Spider identification

Found this guy on the stairs in my house. Need help with ID, please! House spider? Idk if recluse or not because of the stripes. I'm in NC, USA. About the size of a quarter including legs.
