just a momma with her babies💙

Read also:

Blue thinks he pays bills


She does ***NOT*** know how orbital mechanics work.

She got pee on my leg ):


Seems comfortable


My cat gave birth to an underdeveloped foetus.


What breed is my Eris Jane

I think she might be a korat mixed with something because after looking at pictures of Russian blues they just look more pointy then her. Note she’s naturally slim and doesn’t have a whole lot of fat and she has bright green eyes.


My first time making a piece of furniture, everyone laughed but my boy is making me feel appreciated 😭


me and kitty!!


Dislocated cat

Belly rub at your own risk!


Worried about my cat- virtual behavior consultation?

My wonderful kitty has always been a tiny bit ornery but his behavior has worsened and become more erratic over the last two years. During this time one of his eyes has also turned brown. I’ve taken him to two different vets who have done lots of labs and I also took him to a cat ophthalmologist who said that to have his eye assessed it would need to be removed which I do not think he would like. He is an XL 12 year old tabby. Should I pursue more advice or treatment or just help him be confortable with whatever is happening with him and maybe put him on kitty prozac? Has anyone used a virtual consultation service with good results?


Precious White Toesies.
