Really? A baby otter? Okay, um, count me in as who cares. It's not even that interesting a baby otter, it can't even stand up. It’s trying to stand up…there he goes…🥹

Read also:

Welcome, children.


At S2E11 why did Brenda looked Michael like this?


It’s the annual Dinner Party episode…


Best opening sequence, change my mind


Let’s finally get down to it

THIS is the Scranton Strangler. It makes the most sense that Michael would be somewhat responsible for creating the Scranton Strangler. Michael rips up his $300 textbook in front of the entire class and this nerd doesn’t say a thing. He’s the type of guy that goes to his business class, sits alone, no real friends, and is the type of person to sit in the front row. He’s always been the type of person to get picked on and bottle up those emotions. He meets his GF after class and notices his textbook is ripped up and she asks him what happened. After he explains what went down, she asks him if he did anything about it. He says no. That’s when she breaks up with him. He’s been too much of a wuss during the relationship and doesn’t respect him. That’s when he loses it. He begins by torturing animals and stalking young women. Pretty soon he graduates to his first strangle. Then another. Then another…


How come this guy didn’t become a heart surgeon in the USA?

You would think he’d have a prestigious career seeing how he was number one in Japan.


One of my favorite quotes from this episode.


Time traveler moves rock:

The timeline


My favorite part is when Deangelo Vickers rejects Jim from the inner circle, so Jim murders him for revenge


Opinions? Ö
