What's wrong with her eyes?

Read also:

Don't know what to do at random spawn supply depot?

I came across what is called a "supply depot" which has a locked ship that can't be digipicked and says it needs to be unlocked from somewhere else and three emergency batteries were stroon about but I can't find anything to put the batteries IN.


Bethesda - Please increase the range at which you can initiate conversations. I want to stand on the other side of people's desks when I talk to them.


How do you guys like my new crewmate?


I tried really hard to create Nathan Fillion but I'm not satisfied with the character creator. It's terrible!

The only things I feel like I got right were his chin, his nose and his eyebrows. The eyes themselves and the cheekbone structure I cant get it to where I want it. No matter how I try to blend or refine the eyes I feel like I'm not able to do as much. The character creator took a massive downturn from fallout 4s, in fallout 4 you could create way better characters much easier.


When you're sitting on the public toilet and you make eye contact with someone through the little crack in the door

**No spoilers** these two npcs are just the random civilian in this game.


Made my battleship. PSA: Turrets as a main weapon ain't great.


It was like that when I got here! YOU CAN'T PROVE IT WAS MY FAULT!


Been searching for over a hour…

Starting to think the last fauna isn’t real


Fixed it for ya guys


PS Store charging $35 for a 7-year old game, that can't even be sold or traded when bought. If the PS4 didn't have a disk drive, the price would probably be around $60.
