Her doctor is gone, please help to read this xray

She was diagnosed with chronic colitis after a long tiring journey of trying to figure out what is wrong. Now she is gaining weight, playing, eating drinking pooping peeing just fine The one on top from a month ago, the other one this month What do you see in this xray? Is there something wrong in the new one? Is it getting better? Anything unusual? I'm panicing because the doctor is gone and i couldnt get answers. Her doctor is gone, my country doesnt have good vets, this doctor is the one i could trust a little. The rest of the doctors couldnt even diagnose her and treated her badly. Please please help.

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I have become more powerful than any Jedi.

The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


Base on u/Inner-Scarcity-8985 's meme


Just like in the Movie


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youll look back at this when you throw me down the reactor and laugh!


I love democracy


Side question, how do you get the attention of the palpetine bot? (This is marked with reposti as I have no idea if it’s been posted here before


Legs for daaaaays


Made up this joke earlier
