Hello witches! Looking for help finding Scottish goddesses.

As a descendent of the highland clearances I’ve always been drawn to Scotland. I’ve felt the pull of the divine, but I can’t suss out which goddess to connect with. With multiple peoples conquering Scotland it’s difficult to decipher which deities are truly Scot and which have been introduced by Ireland, Greece or the Romans. I identify most closely with the earth, plants and creatures. Can any of you knowledgeable witches help me find my path? Thanks so much! (Included: Last Samhain’s offerings and blessed creatures)

Read also:

My wife's occult library (she says she is a Green Witch).


What are these?

I’ve had these rocks in my collection and I have no idea what they are. Can’t find the answer on Google. Can someone tell me?


Fairy House

Fairy house my SIL made for my wife for her birthday. Everything handmade except for the kitties.


Guilty as charged


Made an Offering this Evening

I’m in the midst of a transitional period in my life and am staying with family, so I used what I had. At the suggestion of one of my closest friends and a fellow Witch, I made an offering to Hermes. I’m hoping for protection as I journey through this series of changes and to regain financial stability.


What do you guys think of my crystal collection


I wanna know what that cats thought process was


Pumpkin Project

I’m so happy with how it turned out! I may never take it down.


I have the best friends a person could ask for

A few weeks ago I (26f) fell down a flight of stairs and suffered a major nerve injury to my knee, leaving me with peroneal neuropathy (below the knee paralysis) and “drop foot”. I just got home from the hospital and have been having a very hard time adjusting (my injury is most likely permanent). Everything is difficult, clumsy, painful, and exhausting. I bought an ankle brace online but the straps broke within 3 days of use and it won’t stay on. I physically cannot walk without some kind of brace for my lower leg and knee. Without that, I am wheelchair bound. My house is not fully handicap accessible yet. It’s a work in progress and it’s all happening so fast. I was just venting to my online friend group in a discord call about how annoyed I am with this whole ordeal. I mentioned how frustrated I feel with myself, adjusting to life with this kind of disability, and the inconvenience of it all. I mentioned that I wanted to find a more sturdy brace that is more appropriate for long term use and gives me more knee stability. I am an artist and decided to launch a Labor Day sale to raise money for my new brace and any other medical devices I may need. Before I could even catch on to what was happening, my entire friend group pooled their money together to buy me a very expensive KAFO brace, the exact kind I need for my condition. I have never in my life felt so loved, cared for, and appreciated by anyone other than my partner and parents. I was floored. These are the best friends I’ve ever had. My mom spent all day on the phone advocating for me, trying to see if my insurance will pay for a new medical brace and in-home assistance for me. When I told her what my friends did for me, she broke down crying. Now I’m sitting here sobbing as I write this because I am having so many feelings of happiness, grief, gratitude, and sadness. I am overwhelmed. I love my friends. I couldn’t have asked for better people. I don’t know what I did to deserve them.


This put a smile on my face [750x1334]
