I bought a defective candle

I just lit this candle for the first time, and the wick burned a hole straight through to the core of the candle and then sputtered out and died. All in it took about 15 seconds

Read also:

This thing in drivers ed: its literally an opinion based question


I’m fine with you being closed on Labor Day, but don’t blue ball me with an open sign.


The amount of ranch in the sealed container from Shake Shack

Just opened. It’s only half full. I could see the bottom of the container when I opened it.


This question in the IQ test


73 year old left without AC , ohio temps reach 90 degrees in September and they just posted an update from their September review. Still not working


it’s cool. it’s not like people need to grab any firewood.

the cart corral is literal steps away 🤦🏻‍♀️


A customer at 7-Eleven told me to stop cleaning bird shit off the window of my car with the window washer.


Passenger in front of me did this for the whole flight…

As soon as the seatbelt sign turned off, this person immediately reclines their seat all the way and puts their foot up like this for the rest of what was six hour flight (Europe to USA)


A fallen soldier

What tripping does to a man


How to NOT cut your slice of the pie
