Hi, I need help turning this into a headshot. I need to look more professional, with a better background and maybe smooth out my pony tail. Will tip $25. Thanks.

Read also:

can someone make me (top right) less big/wide looking? the wind was blowing and it piffed up my shirt 😭😭


$10 Tip! Can anyone remove the hoses, stock pot and machine? $15 if you can move my baby girl to the left and add the rest of her elbow. 🙏


Could someone please remove my wife on the left so that it looks like my son is riding his miniature horse solo? 😂☺️


Could anyone remove the empty chair in front? Sadly can't tip right now, but will try to remember to tip later on!


Bijan Robinson as Buzz lightyear


Is anyone able to remove the sun stripe from this photo?


Can anyone remove the wire from my daughter’s nose/face? (Daughter is currently in the NICU and I need to save money)


My friend died a few months ago. This was her after breaking up a fight between two dogs. Could someone make her look a bit happier and erase her injuries?


Can someone put me in a funny scene or just make anything fun 😁


Can someone PLEASE create a corporate head shot out of this
