Came across this doozy while reading through some character profiles on AWOIAF. So Jamie and Cersei started experimenting sexually at like 5-6 years old? Wtf George lol

In my mind they were teenagers at least, but maybe that was just my subconscious rewriting my memory after I read the books to make this less disturbing.

Read also:

Proof that a crippled psychic CAN be a compelling character...

This is what Bran could have been if he only had a personality and better writers... bonus points because professor X is also the supreme leader of the X men...


Are there any examples of Ironborn being good people or do they just always suck all the time?


Sumowrestling time, who wins?




Game of thrones "A-Z". Drop your best "L" quotes.



The true hero of Game of Thrones


Her second round…double mastectomy…open wound for a YEAR…chemo…radiation…a SECOND surgery and stronger than I’ll ever HOPE to be!


I’m a recovering alcoholic and I’m just getting back to work! This is my first day!

I spent all of February in rehab for alcohol. I spent 6 months in a homeless shelter, got my CDL, picked out a company of my choosing, bout to be an uncle 3 times over, and recently celebrated 7 months sober! This is the first time in 6 years I’ve been truly happy. If you’re having a hard time feel free to contact me, I’d love to chat!


I'm 24, and I cry of joy looking at this guy because I got him to help me cure my depression, and he did a great job!


A handful of tiny colourful ceramic animal friends! Hope they can brighten your day!😊☀️
