Chicken, mother of egg

Read also:

Cocaine be my new detozx


the very first lines of 30 Rock are: "There's a line, buddy" and "There's *two* lines." (Liz Lemon is chiding a man for cutting in front of her while in line for a hot dog)


Who'd Have Guessed The Walmart CEO Was Underpaid?


A reminder the reason it’s called “Labor Day” is to pander to the will of the elite. Support workers every day


Bernie Sanders changed the game and made it possible for young people like me to imagine a brighter future. I am so deeply honored by his endorsement, and cannot wait to fight alongside him to win Medicare For All, a Green New Deal, and an economy that works for everyone! - Aaron Regunberg


Using the newly passed Espionage Act as a justification, on this day in 1917 the Department of Justice began a series of raids on 48 IWW meeting halls, arresting 165 people, including "Big Bill" Haywood.


Claudette Colvin, born on this day in 1939, is a retired American nurse who was a pioneer of the 1950s civil rights movement, refusing to give up her bus seat to a white woman at age 15, nine months before Rosa Parks did the same.


Of the 94 federal district courts, 25 have never had a non-White judge


Mitch McConnell cleared for work by his doctor


Texas Conservatives at it again......
