2 crows killed themselves in front of me when I was at work today

I was at work opening the store I work at and we have trash cans out back I was running the trash out and I didn’t hear any squawking just real rapid wing flapping one of them I had to duck out of the way it smashed into the ground killing it and not 3 seconds later about 7ft away another one did the same thing. I don’t know if any behavior that would cause this? It was very strange I’m open to listen to any possible solution

Read also:

A storm knocked down branches and created this cross facing right at my house.


Did a remote track in Austria, found this weird collection of dolls in the middle of nowhere(zoom in)


Alnwick Poison Garden, England.


A couple of days ago i saw this pants being used on a pot

I almost thought there was a person holding there but nope, some some pants on a plant


I have questions..

Why are so many people putting their hands in this toilet? What’s the sharp device? A miniature turd cutting guillotine? This was at a Dollar General. Do we really need to involve the hospital staff?


Office printer makes these every night no one knows why

When I come in to the office there's a stack of printed papers with nonsense symbols on them




What the!


Hippos replaced horses!


Shit happens

Putting out burning gasoline with a leaf blower
