Lol, i prepared a menace but he forgot one

Read also:

Importance of Lessons

Just finished the lesson about whether to push, capture, or ignore when it comes to pawns and it definitely came in handy.


Chess stalemate ending

Can someone please help me understand how this game has ended as stalemate given Black’s ending position?


I am a 1000 rated player, and got this rating for a game against highest level engine bot, was this luck?

Somehow played better than it in the opening, my only real mistake was me blundering a knight at the end


Pretty annoying that people do this

Pretty much waited until it ran out of time…


The Rosen trap is a hilarious way to steal draws in lost positions

Idea, have your opponent check you with their queen on b3 or c2 (or the corresponding positions for the other corners). Then move the king into the corner and hope they move their king. Or, get your king into the corner and try to make your opponent go to b3 or c2 with their queen It helps if you have a pawn or something there to bait them into going there. It surprisingly works occasionally even at low intermediate ratings. The key is that the KQ vs K position before the draw feels like checkmate is possible in a turn or two but it's actually mate in 4 and you have to be quite careful each turn still.


My opponent is 150, is that the reason why it's only +1???


My first brilliant!

I clicked on show moves but how is me sacrificing my rook to be taken by the knight a good move? I ended up winning but I’m genuinely curious


Mate in 2 I found in my game


I call this the smothered bluff

It worked :3


less gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
