Very serious text my husband got from his aunts

They are twin sisters. I’m genuinely concerned for their well being and mental health.

Read also:

Coffee should not go down there.

Don’t blister your mister


Her bio says she swears alot. I'm new to the single life, am I doing ok?


What a catch!


Idk if I’ve ever seen a more delusional statement

Is that “wise person” in the room with us right now 🤔


She unmatched while I waffled on sending this




Creepy turned wholesome


Support will be the death of me


sir this is a wendys


DD says I’m a top dasher but I can’t see my dash now option

So I’ve been trying to be a top dasher since I started in April 2023 up till now. For August, I made sure I met the requirements even called support 3x before the month ended to assure me that I qualified. All 3 agents said I did and said I should be good to go. Comes September 1st I don’t see the incentives so I called support again they told me I didn’t meet the requirements? So I was like wtf? Then I called again the agent sent it to escalated support and told me that they reviewed my account that I qualified for the top dasher status. Supposedly in my market a new program will be launching in Eastbay area, California Sept 5th and just wait. It’s already mid day and still no response from support. How am I supposed to schedule when everything is blocked?
