In the movie Independence Day (1996) the aliens appear with a slime during the autopsy. The product used to achieve this visual effect was KY Jelly. This is a reference to the fact that they were all lubed up to get shafted by a hillbilly pilot.

Read also:

In The Flash (2023), Barry 2 is a vibrant, three-dimensional and dynamic character that faces adversity, struggles and experiences dramatic growth. This is a reference to the fact that we need to give this movie some credit, y'all.


Flash (2023) movie bad.


Did Asmodues f**** Gabe since he said he'll do that once he has him?


In Reservoir Dogs (1991), Mr Pink calls Mr White, played by Harvey Keitel, incredibly unprofessional. This is a reference to the same line in Goncharov (1973), in which Ice Pick accused the Banker of being involved with Goncharov. The Banker was also played by Keitel.


In One Piece [the live action] (2023), Buggy says "I mean sheesh! Fans have gotten so toxic. This is an obvious reference to the One Piece community


Why does this supposed to sound like a romantic sentence


In the 1977 movie Star Wars Episode IV : A New Hope,king of Rock n Roll Elvis Presley was offered to play Grand Moff Tarkin, originally named the king of the Galatic Empire. This is an image of him on set meeting Darth Vader.


Madlad really looks like he's regretting


I can’t decide if I’m scared or impressed


Villan arc
