Movie Detail: German Politican Karl-Theodore zu Guttenberg and Captain Black from the One Piece Live Action Series don't just look identical, but also cheated their way into a wealthy position before their secret got uncovered and they lost everything.

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One Piece actually has almost nine (9) episodes. This is a reference to my mom at Halloween telling me I'm only allowed to have one piece of candy, but me actually taking a handful. Really smart callback from the producers.


BASEkitball (1998) tells the tale of a weird and stupid made up sport that deliberately misuses elements of other sports and somehow rockets to popularity. The premise seemed silly until recent years saw the rise of Pickleball as a “legitimate” sport.


There was an attempt to add this FEMALE wig to Samurai Cop during reshoots without it being noticeable. The wig had too much power, much like Samurai Cop who liked his criminals in cell, without power mods (guards) watching over their every move and word.


A common misconception held by fake fans of Bond movies is that the protagonists's first name is James and his last name is Bond. However, true fans know that it is repeatedly stated in dialogue that his first name is Bond, his middle name is James, and his last name is also Bond


In the movie Independence Day (1996) the aliens appear with a slime during the autopsy. The product used to achieve this visual effect was KY Jelly. This is a reference to the fact that they were all lubed up to get shafted by a hillbilly pilot.


In The Flash (2023), Barry 2 is a vibrant, three-dimensional and dynamic character that faces adversity, struggles and experiences dramatic growth. This is a reference to the fact that we need to give this movie some credit, y'all.


Flash (2023) movie bad.


Did Asmodues f**** Gabe since he said he'll do that once he has him?


In Reservoir Dogs (1991), Mr Pink calls Mr White, played by Harvey Keitel, incredibly unprofessional. This is a reference to the same line in Goncharov (1973), in which Ice Pick accused the Banker of being involved with Goncharov. The Banker was also played by Keitel.


In One Piece [the live action] (2023), Buggy says "I mean sheesh! Fans have gotten so toxic. This is an obvious reference to the One Piece community
