Why does my buddy flatten his ears straight out when he’s sleepy?

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Threw up immediately following dinner

Added the nsfw tag just because it’s not pleasant to see. Sometimes I’ll find cat throw-up around the house, but this time it was right after she ate so I’m worried. I’ve changed nothing about her feeding routine or the type of food fed to her, just some dry and some wet. I did wipe down her placemat with a Lysol wipe, is it possible she licked that and this is the result? I feel like something had to have triggered it. She’s acting normal as can be right now.


Interpreting Ultra Sound Results!

Sadly we had to put down our beautiful cat of 15 years last week. My condolences to any one who has had to go through the loss of a beloved pet. It’s heartbreaking. I need help interpreting her Ultrasound results. The technician informed us that the tumor was so large it was pressing on her colon and that’s why she could no longer have a bowel movement. He said that the tumor was cancerous and rare and that our cat maybe had about two weeks left to live. The report doesn’t mention the type of Cancer she had or what kind of tumor it was. Would a biopsy have shown this? Thank you in advance for your responses.


Does anyone have recommendations for pet insurance?

I have two ginger male cats (one had a UTI/Blockage about 2 months ago) and I’m afraid the same thing will happen to my other cat. Can someone share some knowledge and experiences with pet insurance? My primary vet only takes “Pumpkin” but I know nothing about that. Help!


Normal after spay?

My kitten was spayed a week ago. Tonight while looking at her I noticed this discoloration that I think might be bruising? I plan to call vet first thing in the morning but does this look normal? My other cat came to me already spayed, so this is the first I’ve gone through the procedure with a kitten, so I’m not sure what’s normal or not!


My cat smells like tuna that was left out for 10 years

My cat Percy recently has been smelling foul and my family can’t find a reason why. We’ve had him 8 years and have had cats since I was born and never had this happen. We have a second cat and dog and they all share a water bowl that we are putting cat/dog mouthwash in that helps the dog and other cat but Percy is getting no use from it. The only thing we can see is a black dot on the inside of his gums. Anything we can do to helps


Do i need to be really worried or is this cat acne?

Just noticed my cat Hambone has pitting, scabs, and fur thinning on one side of his mouth. He has little black spots on his chin which i had thought was just dirt initially but now i see it could be mites or acne. I am going to get him to a vet, but does this seem like an emergency? He is eating fine as far i can tell and seems pretty normal.


Claw injury cause for concern?

Hello all, my cat’s pinky claw look like it has dried blood at the base. It also looks like it’s not growing evenly. Not sure what happened, but it looks painful. He’s indoor only. Is there anything I can do at home, or should I visit a vet? I’m going to monitor his nails more often and clip them more regularly.


What's this under her chin? & what can I do?


[OC] Stolen Bases and Caught Stealings per game since 1920


Where can I find this hat??

I saw this hat that Bert was wearing and I'm obsessed!! Does anyone know where I can find this hat?!?
