Some adorable Toe beans for your enjoyment

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when did you get another dog?

Our golden boy is 6 months old. We originally got two pups from the same litter (that was a mistake-- we didn't know so my brother owns the other now). But my boy has seemed so sad lately. He gets tons of exercise, huge backyard, we have playdates with my friends dogs. How did you decide when to get a second dog? Was it really difficult? A lot more work? Or was it easier for them to have a play mate? I'm so back and forth. All advice/input appreciated !


First seizure.

Oliver (just turned 2), had a seizure Friday. We were set to take him to the emergency clinic, but they said it was best to monitor how he comes out of it, and if he has more seizures. So far ( day 4), he appears back to himself. Anyone with a golden that has seizures with advice is greatly appreciated.


This handsome fella got a new harness today!


First time swimming!


Had to move him to get in bed. Now he's hiding.

My goodest boy Tucker. I have no idea what I'd do without him.


Sleeping with stuffy in mouth


RIP Junko Furuta (1971-1989)


My daughter and I had the same 6th grade art project.


Snack time - Chinese mantis finishing off a caterpillar.


This lentil cake (the right one) is a little thicker than the rest
