Help! Need to identify this

These tiny bugs keep showing up in my apartment. They’re like a brownish, reddish, orangish tiny bug. Barely visible

Read also:

Any help

Noticed these on my ceiling because of my cat. Never had any issues of these in my 3 years till this year. Any help? Located in NE Ohio


[Southern California, 4" long] Is this a mud dauber wasp nest?


Anyone got any idea what this arachnid-like bug is?

It hasnt climbed anything like my wall so far, and it seems relatively chill as it did walk over me a bit ago, but its simply going back and forth along my walls atm and doesnt seem to really be doing anything, it seems to have 6 legs and some stumpy front pincers, but that might have simply been my eyes playing tricks on me or due to the poor guy being hurt


Posting for a friend- in Southern California!


[Southeastern United States] Maybe somewhere around an inch-ish long? Can't climb up the side of a glass cup (no sticky feet), seems wingless, perfect gentleman, did not insult or harm me


went tubing in nc

i went tubing in North Carolina and found this in my bathing suit after. if you could tell me what this is that would be greatly appreciated


What kind of bug is this, found him in my kitchen


Flying beast assassinated my roommate

Small coward bit (?) my roommate. Southern US. Flying ant? Maybe? Looks like termite slightly. Maybe. Help.



My fiancé thinks it’s a brown recluse. Following this photo being taken this one trapped themselves in another spider’s web and is now dinner. Nature is metal.


Saw this on my banana in Albuquerque New Mexico, what is it?
