Time to go to war with Massachusetts

Read also:

Mondale to Hart: Where's the Beef?


Simpsons and Community are the same universe confirmed


Community on and endless loop


Pam the Yam is just a cooked sweet potato with pothos vines stuck in it

Pothos cuttings for reference


You accidentally share your browser history during a Zoom presentation


What bee/Wasp is this?

It is about 1 and a half inches, it has a black body with a white strip and has a yellow butt, this photo was taken in Ontario Canada on September 5th at 10:10 pm


Not sure what this is

I saw it on my bathroom wall. I don't think it boots or shoots either.


Help!! 😭

I just bought & moved in to this house. I’ve been here 3 weeks and this was on my wall when I woke up in the middle of the night. Is this a German cockroach?!!!


Found this at an airbnb what is it? It’s moving so caterpillar? Worm? Parasite? The owners have dogs. San Diego, Ca


I know it’s a roach but which kind?

I’m sorry the picture is bad. It was about a half inch long and light brown. Just trying to figure out if I have time to save up money for an exterminator or if my walls and fridge mechanisms have already been replaced by roaches. I live in a townhouse so other people’s houses are connected on both sides with woods in the back. Virginia, USA. Thank you very much.
