Spawning across the planet from staryard

Anyone else having a problem with spawning at the stroud-Emlin’s staryard? It is bringing me 8,000 KM away when I try to grab jump to it… can’t figure out how to get there and I can’t build the ship I’m trying to build without being there..

Read also:

I've only had this guy for 2 minutes but if anything happened to him I will kill everyone in this room and myself


To all the newcomers welcome! Just remember Lin's one simple rule and you'll be fine.

Seriously though I hope the official launch is going well and the newcomers are enjoying the game as much as I am. Welcome to Constellation!


When you're visiting a new city for a factions main quest and you don't wanna pickup new quests just yet.


Oh hello, new best friend


I made a wallpaper for samsung fold devices


Training the next Generation

My 5 year old son started off sitting on my lap watching me play and eventually picked up enough to play on his own. We spent hours exploring Mars and then ran into a rogue AI! Such a fun game to play together. Glad we got to bond over a Bethesda game.


Marcus Tanner - Starfield

Born in the streets of Neon as an orphan, he spent his childhood unwanted and inevitably ended up getting into some less than glamorous shenanigans, in the orphanage he made a friend, Quinton, they hit it off quick and soon plotted on how they’d become rich. Once they were both 18, and now kicked out of the orphanage, they decided they’d do one big heist and leave the planet… so they geared up over time, found a target, and went for it. The heist was a complete fail, they both got injured and barley escaped, unfortunately Quintons injuries were fatal, and he died in Marcus’s arms, his last wish was for Marcus to leave the planet, and so something with his life, something meaningful… Marcus had managed to steal a ship and flee the planet, now 18 and alone he just flew.. flew until he found a planet and decided he’d work on making some credits, however he had too, bounties, heists, assassinations even, the years of immoral work took a toll and he became distant, and very money focused, but deep down he still felt unfulfilled… none of that mattered as he did one job that didn’t go so well, he made off with a lot of credits but made too much noise and got a price on his head, so he took his newfound funds and bought a house, it was very nice and he was able to lay low for about a year until the house became too much of an upkeep, now 25, he still couldn’t risk putting himself back on the radar so he took a lowdown mining job in hopes of working up enough money to keep a roof over his head, though deep down, he still heard Quintons words ringing in his head. “Get out there and do something. Make a name for yourself.” And then the game happens


God rolled Hard Target sniper?


Best weapon combo

Gloom spears/swords and silver lynels parts, yeehaw


Hands-down one of the coolest moments in gaming history
