Dunder Mifflin was a very bad company?

Dunder Mifflin was a very bad company and Michael tried to do his best to keep hi branch engaged, happy and not realise how bad the company actually was. We can question his methods but I believe he tried to do the things opposite to what he lived during his time as an employee under Ed. Also, whenever any person from outside of DM Scranton is introduced, we realise how bad either the company was or the people outside were. Exception: Stamford Scranton merging episode

Read also:

Greg Daniels obviously loved this joke because he wrote this episode of the Simpsons in 1994 and 13 years later the Office paid tribute


This scene is creepy…


Nepotism at the office

The argument that God using Jesus on Earth to do his bidding was nepotism was genius by Michael for keeping his nephew Luke.


There is absolutely NO WAY that Jim and Pam would trust Michael to drive them to the hospital…

Oscar was the clear choice for a driver.


I have so many pictures of The Office, my phone thinks these are real people I know


Talk to me that way again and I’ll cut your face off


What was Jim’s all time best prank?


I tried making Michael Scott in Starfield

He doesn’t look half bad! Let’s hope he’s as charismatic in space as he is in the office!


Michael is that you?


