History of Rock Paper Scissors

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Am I wrong?

Am I in the wrong? A few months ago, while I was still studying art at college, I found what looked like the remains of a bonfire while on my weekly walk in my local woods, and multiple shoes and bags. After a while thinking, I decided to take them home, to be able to both use in my upcoming photoshoot, and to be able to clean and give to my local charity. As soon as I got in the house, my mum started interrogating me on, “where I found them?” And “why did I have them?” Acting like I had gone out and stolen them from a store somewhere, and even after i had told her what I intended to do with them, she told me to get rid of them or she would call the police. Later I started the slow process of thoroughly cleaning each shoe and bag, until they were all fully clean and I left them under my radiator on top of a plastic bag to dry. I then left my room for less than 5 minutes to get some paper, and when I got back, my mum was throwing the stuff in the plastic bag, and was dragging it across the floor, when I told her to stop and asked her what she was doing with it, she grabbed hold of my shirt, yanked on it, before shouting in my face that “it’s her house and her opinion was the only one that mattered. I then tried to grab the bag back. She then told me not to touch it otherwise she would call the police and tell them I assaulted her. I then grabbed hold of the bag, where she then scratched me on the arm, and neck, and just below my eye. I told her to stop and that she was hurting me, which she responded by saying that it was “her house and she could do whatever she wanted”. She continued to scratch me, and after a while of it, I grabbed the bag back, and physically moved her out my room, before trying to close the door. She must’ve realised she was the only one in the wrong, because she then stuck her foot in the door while I was closing it, and then started screaming how she was going to call the police for assault and abuse, even though she was the one who put her foot in the way of the CLOSING door. Am i in the wrong? (The picture linked is where I found the stuff) Posted again because the bot deleted it last time


Is this ok for skeletron expert mode?

(Good reforges and fiery greatsword)


(@shadouette on Twitter) anime drawing of shimmered steampunker


Solar cultist temple


Are these good ?

Got these two drops from soul eaters, both 0.19% chance to drop The other one is a weapon the other is an armor I've killed around 670 of those guys




Am i ready for moonlord? (Expert mage)

I plan on using the nebula blaze, have multiple buffs, all i need is to kill the last pillar


Finlly i kill the queen bee in expert

Ipad player


Hey man... GET UP


My drawing of mechdusa
