What is this bug?

Read also:

Is this dangerous (there are like a hundred of them at my school)

Is this a brown widow?


Have I Been Blessed?

found this dude at target


What is this?


Hi!! Can anybody please tell me who these guys in my garden are?

Found on my tomato plant, looks like the eggs were laid on the stem of the plant and they just hatched out. I’m in zone 7a. Looking forward to your insight, thank you and have a good day!


White & Black spider NY


What is this


Found in my laundry room


What bug makes a bit that looks like this?

My mom was sitting outside (Vermont) and felt something bit her. Swiped it away and it looked like this. Any idea what type of bug could make this bite?


Who is this friend?

I’m in Rhode Island. He just kept running down my steps away from me throwing him off of each one. He flipped himself over and curled up like he was dead when I stopped to look at him and then he jumped up and started running again 😅 I have a lot of Orbweavers and jumpers of all types, but this guy is new to me. The flat head is throwing me off.


What kind of spider is this? (MA)
