What is this bite?

Bite occurred in north central PA. Very itchy and swollen.

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friend? :^]

what is this little guy! i almost stepped on him!!


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What is this- NY, bathtub

Sorry for the bad quality photo. Can’t seem to focus right on it 🤷🏻‍♀️


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Friend or foe? Tampa FL


WITB? Clackamas, OR Garage area

Found hanging from our garage door from the spiders. We're in Clackamas, OR and in a development. So for better or worse (worse) little to no trees near our house. No untreated lumber in the garage either. Literally 1 2x4 of pressure treated wood. Slightly concerned it may be a type of Asian longhorn beetle, but those definitely have spots it would seem. Thanks in advance!


I've seen a couple of these spiders in my house

This is a dead one. I saw another one with it that was alive, anything to be worried about? (Alberta, Canada) This is a zoomed in picture, but it's actually quite small, maybe half an inch I almost lost my leg to a necrotic brown recluse bite years ago, so I'm a little on edge.


Cocoon. NE Ohio. About 1.5 inches, almond shaped.

Lifted a blanket and this was underneath and stuck to the flannel on top and the cardboard underneath. I covered it back up. I hope I didn’t hurt it.
