Do these comic typos annoy everyone? To me, it just seems so unprofessional and also annoyinb cuz i’d be so into reading them and all of a sudden BAM - typo

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Tension in the Harem, Art by hayley566 on DeviantArt


Stolen meme


What Do You Think about this spider-man variant?


Miles got the most disliked videos across the multiverse.


Best friends in the world


In Spider-Man Annual 21 (the issue he gets married) is the suit the black suit or just a suit that is black?


[Smovs] [kingdom Hearts x Spiderman into the spiderverse] "Miguel sees Donald is also obsessed with a world protecting rule that seems flimsy if inspected, so they start instantly making out"


What do you all think their relationship is about? (Check Body text for more info)

Looking for Funny remarks. I did post in Daredevil sub but only few funny remarks I got. Hoping to get more from here.


LEGO Spider-Man enjoying a day at the beach


Somehow I think it’s really his son and Spider boy just lied about his name, he could be a clone of him and MJ because bailey’s Spidey sense are more psychic than else, also there’s no pics of his mom when he opened him a locker, he could do the Paul move and adopt him, I like the idea.
