Need a plan on how best to seal countertops
Moving into a house with a lot of pretty wooden countertops (not sure type of wood). Wood surrounds sink as well. Our inspector noted we should seal it all up. I already love the natural color and tone so I'm not interested in staining it with additional color. I've read so many different things on different sealants/finishes and I'm overwhelmed. Leaning using Osmo Polyx? Maybe?
We don't plan to cut directly on the wood.
It will be a high use kitchen.
Have small children and anticipate dings and whatnot. Okay with it not being pristine, and expect some wear and tear.
Don't have time to uninstall all of the tops and move them to a better ventilated area. So ideally something that won't gas us out over the next month.
Don't have time to apply multiple coats/dry time over several days (like Waterlox). But can manage a couple of days total.
Worried about the moisture area around the sink.
First I thought oil based polyurethane, then water based, then onto mineral oil, then waterlox, then Osmo Polyx, then Rubio Monocoat, and now I'm back to thinking Osmo Polyx may be the best bet? Please help. I'm already stressed about a ton of other things to complete and I need a plan.