A Roman mosaic depicting a vine branch and a bow. 1st century BCE, now housed at the National Archaeological Museum of Aquileia in Italy [1198x1550]

Read also:

Detail from from Soisson Window [4680x3456]


The Stilicho diptych is an ivory consular diptych from about 400 CE, made for Stilicho, magister militum of the emperor Honorius. The diptych is in the Treasury of the Cathedral of Monza, in Italy, to which it was donated by King Berengario I around 900 [3227x3232]


Mask of a young female shaman (somu). Korea, Joseon dynasty, 18th century [768x1000]


Bronze tripod wine goblet. China, Shang dynasty, 1200-1100 BC [2300x2800]


An unusually elaborate Bartmann jug from Cologne in Germany. 1525–1550 CE, now housed at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London [1993x3171]


Chamunda, the Horrific Destroyer of Evil (India 10th–11th century) [1600x2000] [OS]


A drinking cup from Attica in Greece. Ca. 730 BCE, now housed at the Staatliche Antikensammlungen in Germany [2430x1644]


In 2013, the remains of a Roman cemetery were found in south-eastern France. This year, hundreds of Roman graves were discovered, among which were chained skeletons. [634x423]


The Heraclean Tablets are bronze tablets with Latin/Greek inscriptions, found at Heraclea in Italy. The Latin inscription from 45 BC, is about the municipal regulations of Heraclea while the 3rd century BC Greek inscription defines the boundaries of lands belonging to various temples [3372x5764]


A Pahari depiction of Kali fighting Chanda and Munda: Kali Fights Demons Chanda and Munda; c. 1825–35, gouache on paper, Rijksmuseum(1280x906)
