What is this little chode?

I’m a bit stumped - can’t find this in any of my books and my search engine can’t take much more ‘phallic fungi’. It was growing alone in mixed woodland at the roots of a tree I forgot to ID; kind of foamy and bumpy. Didn’t get a look at the gills. Is it just a very young version of something more familiar? Any help appreciated as ever!

Read also:

Tried to grow corn and a marmot took it. Left the plant there and now it looks fucked. Is that corn smut?

Is that corn smut and if yes, what should I do with it?


ID help

These recur in the same spot yearly in my back yard. Near drought conditions this year. Central Indiana. Cluster is roughly 10 inches in diameter and 5 inches tall.


Spotted this in the woods in Montenegro. Anyone know what it is?


Ontario, Canada. What is this? Is it edible?

About 6” diameter


Surf 'n Turf of the Woods


Not the biggest fan of mushrooms, but there's so much of this stuff that I would be a fool not to take advantage. But is it edible?! ME, USA


Is this mould coming out the cabinet?

Is this mould coming out the kitchen cabinet? On the other side of the wall is a bathroom. There is also a window in the kitchen that can’t be opened. Any advice would be appreciated!


Yellow agaric? Spotted in upstate NY.


What kind of slime mold? Upstate New York


Cauliflower #3 on the season (Rhode Island). Dinner tonight!
