on a sub for lost redditors

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The only confusing perspective is why it on this subreddit


John Greenewald, Jr. on X (Twitter): "Speaking of the 1947 Roswell Incident, the U.S. government said the "aliens" seen by witnesses were nothing more than these test dummies."


Scientists grow whole model of human embryo, without sperm or egg. (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-66715669)


This is a legit memo sent to the FBI on the same day Roswell happened (1947) which says UFOs are non-human technology and UFOs are vehicles that permit travel from one dimension of being to another.


I found this supposed Roswell crash photo 1947. More in comments


Labyrinth & "city" underneath the Giza Plateau, Newspaper article, Ancient Sumerian accounts, Pliny

London Daily Telegraph March 4 1935](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenes_piramide/piramide25_03.jpg)- "A subway connecting Khephren's Pyramid City to Cheops' Pyramid City has been discovered in the course of recent excavations. This had been cut through the living rock. More remarkable still, a shaft, 11 yards long, was found tolead from the subway to the heart of the rock. When examined, it was found to end in a chamber some 6 yards by 11 yards. From one side of it there was a second shaft leading 16 yards farther down into the rock and ending in a hall somewhat larger than the upper chamber, with seven smaller chambers leading from it. In two of these, basalt boxes were found."


The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) officially claims ownership of the newly launched website on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).


Any thoughts? Wood and diamonds have only one similarity. They are both made up of carbon. While the former one is a biological, living, breathing entity the later is just a material thing.


Unknown egg found in Alaska deep dive. Wonder what it belongs to.


Disney TVA Moments We Thought They'd Become Episodes
