they’re kinda far frm each other.. (2 seconds later..) lol

Read also:

Said goodbye today

After 13 wonderful years we said a very sad goodbye to our best boy Cotton today. A piece of my heart went with him today. Take care of your bunnies friends. Love them every day, hug them, give them room to hop, play with them, give them a companion if you are able and I hope you have as many happy years together as we did 😭💔


Hello 👋


Guess which is my real bun 🤣


I turn around for one second and Milo thinks he owns all the pellets


Usagi Shima and the BunBand

I play this game in front of my bunnies. They are very interested (in nose booping my phone).


Penny does not approve of the temperature today

The weather decided to be summer again this week and she is not happy. The castle is her cool spot this morning but I can feel her glaring at me!


Is this rabbit A Netherland Dwarf?

Hi folks, I was sold this baby rabbit at two months (she’s 3 months old now) and I’m thinking she’s far too big already for a nethie? Any thoughts on it?


I just love it when they do this!


What type of bunns do we have?

I know it's a super generic question and one that's hard to answer without better images, but was wondering if anyone knew roughly what kind of bunns we have?


Felix is just extra cute today 🐰

He loves sitting in this window!
