Which Joker is coming out alive?

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I challenged myself a while back by drawing my own interpretation of Batman; what do you guys think?


My favorite Alfred moment. Batman 2016 #95

Perfectly encapsulats Alfred's loyalty, sass, humor and competence.


Joker with markers and colored pencils

I took inspiration from pinterest and just changed it A little bit so it would be easier to make


In what ways do you think the Arkham games helped (or hurt) Batman's image?


Colin Firth as Alfred in the DCU? Kingsman showed he could pull off being a badass English butler


Saw a meme and was inspired to make it into this


Movie belt (in progress)

Click on comments to read more


My Grails from both figure eras

I also have both the mafex Catwoman and the Kenner Catwoman. Just waiting for the kenner one to arrive.


Batman shows up in Poison Ivy #14

https://youtu.be/H4y2StCUtME?si=lJHFjrZzOyP0gt_e Review at (71) in video. What did you think?


How would you guys feel about Todd Phillips Joker being set in Matt Reeves The Batman universe?

Not saying it is, it wouldn't make a lot of sense with how timelines play out in each film, but let's just say this version of the Joker found his way into The Batman universe. Would you be down with that?
