Lonesome Forest Children

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Will you please black this background out


Can someone make the whole background of the picture the same color of the wall behind me (sage green) ? can tip $5


Can someone help me turn this into a photo on an old newspaper like an article or something? Trying to do it for my step brother who’s a police officer in the picture


Can anyone put a picture of my buddy going down a half pipe instead of the store? 20$


Can someone add the smoking of a crackpipe, and a person on there knees(back turned, you know what I mean). Bonus tips for oval office setting, and and an American flag on back turned persons back.


I took this (almost) perfect photo of my dog, but the tag for his bandana is showing!! Is there any way someone can edit that out??


Could someone please make a vintage horror movie poster of my cat called “The Chonk” (inspired by The Thing/Godzilla)


Open to whatever you want - but I’d like my dog to be a powerful spirit of some kind. He looks like he’s meditating to me. Enjoy


Can you edit this photo into a professional headshot? Less busy background and more modest top. $10 my fav.


Could anyone add realistic lightning effects to this photo? Can’t pay since I’m still a student but I’ll appreciate the help!!
