Horse Skull Beastmen?

Just got to Farum Azula in my latest playthrough and saw that these horse skulls were in the graves and decorated with gold jewelry. What I noticed is that they are missing or were intentionally left in the graves without their hands (which could lead to some new information on their culture?) Haven’t seen any talk about this and would love to hear what you guys think

Read also:

It'd be so cool if we could spectate fights in the colosseums


A small decorative piece.


Really amazing friend sent me this

A really amazing friend of mine during a tough time for me yesterday after supporting me sent me a picture of flowers telling me everything was going to be ok. I haven't stopped smiling today and I don't think I will stop soon either. I am a lucky man and she is the best person on this planet.


Exciting! Their flag says treats!


Thank you again to the sweet barista with the cutest space buns for brightening up my day with this! I'm surprised the spelling is correct :') I doubt you use reddit and will see this but your kind words about my outfit meant a lot as well

Look at that beautiful handwriting and heart. Just lovely 🥹✨🫶🏻


My wife’s booty print on the couch:


Leo, thought to have been lost in glacial flood, found alive and well


After chasing the balls around the track, Leeroy Jenkins likes to assert his dominance over them.


Nice to see some good work stories mixed in with the bad 🤗


These two make me smile. I teach horse back riding lessons to special needs kids, and before you say anything, you should know that these kids teach me far more than I could ever teach them.

Two years ago "E" would cry during every lesson. Today she trotted over poles, in jumping position, all by herself, grinning from ear to ear, and saying "Good girl Stella!". I'm so thankful to have a job that I love!
