The curious case of Benjamin Todd

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1000 days sober!

Repost because the pictures weren't loading! Celebrating 1000 days while also looking back at being in the ICU for withdrawls. I've come a long way and I'm very proud of myself!


Wholesome YouTube comment interaction


Reshare-- how much this person loves clouds, made me smile. Especially because I've loved clouds that much too.-- Not the best picture but omg I was creaming at the sight of these clouds 😭


at least 50 shades of green



Based Mexico


A bully neighbour


Piers runs out of ideas


14 year old Momoshiro three years before he left us

Momo was the best cat I’ve ever known. Incredibly sweet and mellow. For his entire life with me (17 years) he was glued to me like no other cat I have known. He died in January 2020 after a short illness. Still miss him every day. I’ve had four cats in my adult life and all of them have reached at least seventeen. I feel so fortunate.


Adopted Clementine, age 11!

We adopted Winston, now almost 13, last year and have loved rescuing and loving a senior kitty. We have the space and love for another and adopted Clementine, age 11 (originally she had a shelter name, we gave her this more historically fun name!!). She is a total love bug already. She had a brief interaction from her crate with Winston on her way in and they both were curious! No hissing or flat ears. Great start! Once she’s acclimated and ready to leave her room, we can’t wait to introduce them! (Once she’s acclimated and settling in and okay with Winston, vet says she needs a diet too! Little lady is a whopping 15 pounds and can’t properly groom herself.) Love having this senior cat community. May our Winston and Clementine be as long-lived as their namesakes ☺️


Cosmos (12) had to have two teeth out. It's the closest to a health issue he's ever had and he's not sure about the sore mouth.
