Remember when he was only THIS much of a dick?

Read also:

Shotgun marriage by the judge.


Cult Leader with criminal trials for fraud, espionage against the United States, election subversion, and leading an insurrection plans to release his tax returns just as soon as the IRS finishes his non-existent 'audit' - MAGA


Rudy racks up nearly $3 million in legal expenses related to criminal investigations, private lawsuits and disciplinary proceedings as a consequence of his efforts to keep Trump in office after his 2020 election loss


Screenshot I Captured from Navy Flyby Video from AARO


UFO captured in photograph from 1915.


Temple of Seti I,result%20of%20carved%20stone%20being%20re-used%20over%20time. I just stumbled on this image, and did a little research. There’s not really a very good ancient civ subreddit so I thought I’d ask here. Are there any legit theories on this hieroglyph featuring a helicopter, another couple aircraft, and what looks to me like barbed wire defense works? The explanation of “multiple layers of plaster that peeled off” just doesn’t add up. How would that leave perfectly beveled straight lines that coincidentally show three modern aircraft? PS: is there a good ancient civ subreddit out there? I love the discussions and debunks on this one. Lends a lot of credibility to the things that aren’t easily debunked.


100 liter unit of a Champagne bottle with its own custom made dolly for transport and pouring


My cat that I got from the street as a baby


Absolute unit of a cotter pin


Won't get these zucchinis at Safeway!

Grown in our new vegetable garden. Now what?
