How do I replace this?

A very simple task has become more difficult…the diverter to the shower broke. All the replacement slip on faucets say the pipe needs to stick out 2-3”, and my pipe is a half inch too short. What are my options?

Read also:

Accidentally left a faucet slightly on for 10 hours

First time home owner here, bought the house last November. We are on a well with an old water softener. I accidentally let it run out of salt for a couple of weeks months back. I have since run iron out through the softener and the water has improved a lot, but seeing this makes me think the water is much worse off than I thought. I was able to remove the stain I am mostly just concerned about the quality of our water and it ruining all of our plumbing, appliances, and fixtures over time. Any advise for me here?


Water line was hooked to outside spigot. Wanting to extend this to other side of basement. 1/2” MIP I hooked to 1/2” garden hose but it leaks (I know MIP is wrong for garden hose). What piping is this called to extend or how can I connect to garden hose without leaks? Thanks!


No experience. Can I replace kitchen sink drainpipe on my own?

I’m no plumber but I’m handy and this looks straightforward. How difficult would this be to replace on my own? Looking to get this done as inexpensively as possible so don’t want to call a plumber. Would rather spend money on quality parts and learn. If this is something I can do on my own, what things should I consider beyond what I might learn from a YouTube video? Thanks!


Crack in the toilet bowl

Opinion on if this needs to be replaced? Just noticed it after moving into a house a month ago. I saw something online saying I could drain it and put some plumbers putty on it but not sure if it’s too wide. The toilet also had a little bit of wiggle and it is the main toilet I will be using.


Is this vent correct upside down?

I hired a plumber to redo the old galvanized pipes and fix this leaking kitchen drain. The 2" vertical is the kitchen sink drain and also a wet vent for a basement sink, granted the new washer box next to the basement sink has a cheater valve vent also that can serve the basement sink. Plumber says all vents shroud be upside down. But in this case couldn't kitchen sink gunk get stuck here and eventually clog this vent?


Is this a high loop?

I've been getting some dishwasher smell and I'm wondering if the drain hose was installed incorrectly without a high loop. Is this bad? If so, should I replace the hose as well or just create a "high loop"?


Can’t interact with successful perception check at Rosymorn?

Located at X57 Y52, I just placed all four celestial weapons and got the dawnmaster’s crest. As I was headed out, I succeeded in a perception check on these planks of wood (which I’ve already passed heaps of times before), the planks glowed to indicate the perception check and then disappeared, but I can’t target or interact with them? I restarted and tried again but same issue - just want to know if I’m missing out on something here?


Resident Evil: Daughter of Darkness


New nickname unlocked


Auntie Ethel - Loot or accept deal

Hey, Just finished off Auntie Ethel and after a long fight I had the choice of either killing her or accepting the deal. I was wondering what is better now, I did both, miraculously rolled a nat 20 with Shadowheart bc hey I can't use my sorcerer that gets +5 and advantage on that. With that I could make a save to get the ability score improvement and save the girl. But of course couldn't help myself and kill the hag, and I have to say I like her staff a lot! (+2 to saving throws!) What guys do you think is better to get? I am leaning towards the staff but of course idk if sth way better comes around as weapons change but ability score is forever. (Bonus question, how do you skill shadowheart? No clue really, improved her wisdom but think strength is better as she is my tank, but never hits anything with her cool shiny weapon. So I got the strength bonus for her, or maybe my favorite frog girl (The only frog girl in my party^^))
